Dr. K. R. Gomatthi M.B., B.S.,
Certified Adolescent Health Counselor,
Advanced Pranic Healer and Pranic Psychotherapist,
22, Alagesan Road,
Saibaba Mission Post,
Coimbatore - 641 011.
Tamil Nadu - India
Phone: 0422 - 2449934,
0422- 4385110
e mail ID -dr.gomatthi@gmail.com
Insight in to our life pattern
to understand that we are
consuming prana along
with the food, water and air-
Many times when we are hungry we
long for good food and
when we take even one fruit or a cup of milk
we feel refreshed and the hunger pangs reduces.
We know well that
the food we ingest has to go through the food pipe, stomach, small intestine
where the nutrients has to be
absorbed for the utility of the system.
It may take more than 3-4 hours based on the movement of the gastro intestinal system.
But to our surprise we are happy once the food is consumed.
This is because of the energy absorption through the meridians
present in the mouth and oral cavity which immediately absorbs and distributes it to the nadis.
Yogi Giri bala
This is the same concept followed in the life of many Yogis where they live many years without food .They survive with the air ,earth and sun prana .