pranichealing - Stress clinic

Sickness cured !
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What is Pranic Healing ?
Health and energy field
About us the healers
Stress clinic
Pranic healing for learning diability.
Pranic healing for infertile couple.
Pranic healing for women.
Pranic healing for children's diseases.
Pranic healing for old age.
Pranic healing for undiagnosed diseases of children.
No surgery,no touch,no medicine
Pranic healing for all Allergy and Asthma patients.
Pranic healing and Hypnotherapy for all
தமிழ் பக்கங்கள்
Aura of man in sickness

Dr. K. R. Gomatthi M.B., B.S., Certified Adolescent Health Counselor, Advanced Pranic Healer and Pranic Psychotherapist, 22, Alagesan Road, Saibaba Mission Post, Coimbatore - 641 011. Tamil Nadu - India Phone: 0422 - 2449934, 0422- 4385110 moblie-7708485038. e mail ID

Stress clinic


When stress triggers the body’s “fight or flight “response, we stop digesting food or making internal repairs. Breathing becomes quick and shallow. Our bodies are flooded with adrenaline and other emergency hormones. If this continues too much carbon dioxide is removed from the blood, and this affects the nerves and muscles which will give symptoms such as faintness, palpitations and panic attacks

Stress detection by

Kirlian Technology

using GDV Pro camera.

We Help You Fight The Following

Sexual dysfunction

Premature ejaculation

sperm quality improvement

Neurological / Psychological Diseases

  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety & other related diseases
  • Depression
  • Weak memory
  • Restlessness
  • Headache/ Migraine
  • Tension
  • Mental exhaustion
  • Anger Management
  • Mood disorders
  • Dementia
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Alcoholism
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Huntington's disease
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Paralysis
  • MND
  • Cerebral Atrophy
  • Hydrocephalus
  • Epilepsy
  • Psychoses
  • Schizophrenia
  • Madness
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Drug Addiction


Dealing with Severe Work Related Stress

What to do when things are Really Bad


What is severe work-related stress? Well, I'm talking about a chronic stress situation, where the stress is continuous, not the odd stressful event which is much easier to manage and less harmful. Chronic stress increases the risk to your mental and physical health, and you may already have experienced stress-related depression and anxiety or physical symptoms of severe stress such as sleep problems, high blood pressure, gut problems, pain, headaches, or skin disorders. You'll be feeling exhausted, at a very low ebb and may well have had periods of sickness absence, possibly prolonged.



In addition, the stress will have affected your emotions and behaviors. You'll probably have been upset, moody and irritable, and this will have had an impact on relationships at work and at home. This is a very significant risk to your wellbeing because we all need social support to buffer the negative effects of stress. Yet, ironically, when we're severely stressed we're more likely to alienate those closest to us. So, you may well be feeling isolated.


Your feelings about work may be very negative. You may have a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach whenever you think about work, and may have strong (and continuous) feelings of resentment towards your manager or employer. These feelings of resentment may be having negative effects on your whole life, and especially your sleep patterns. It's very difficult to sleep if you feel this way. If you're off sick now, you may be dreading going back and very worried about how or if you'll cope when you return.


This is a serious situation that has to be addressed and I'm not going to patronise you by suggesting that your problems will be solved by some deep breathing, an aromatherapy massage or positive thinking exercises!


So what should you do if you are in this really bad situation?


Consult our expert doctors and healers who can relieve the disturbing thought forms and stress energies from your system by Pranic healing, crystal therapy, acupuncture and herbal medicine with life style management and yoga suggestions.

Call for details .
Dr. K. R. Gomatthi M.B., B.S.,
M.CSEPI (Member of council of sex education and parenthood International),
Certified Adolescent Health Counselor,
Advanced Pranic Healer and Pranic Psychotherapist.

22, Alagesan Road,
Saibaba Mission Post,
Coimbatore - 641 011.
Tamil Nadu - India
Phone: 0422 - 2449934,
0422- 4385110.

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